5 Reasons You Should Go Green with Your IT Hardware

5 Reasons You Should Go Green with Your IT Hardware

The world is changing, polar ice is melting, and the consumption of fossil fuels is at an all-time high. We all need to do our bit for the environment be it a compost heap, growing your own food, or simply taking more care in recycling. But the lines between sustainable and unsustainable can become a touch harder to navigate when it comes to business operations, especially in hardware. 

When you factor in both production and disposal of used goods, the manufacturing of new hardware has quite the toll on the environment. For context, somewhere between 2 and 4 million gallons of water a day are used in the production of semiconductor chips alone – and the impact doesn’t stop there. The pollution caused by the mining of materials, production, and shipping of this one small portion of the entire manufacturing industry contributes astronomically to the rate of global climate change. 

So, how do we make our hardware more sustainable? 

Green hardware can abide by any of the following characteristics: 

  • Created using recycled materials 
  • Low levels of unnecessary packing 
  • Low power consumption 
  • Resource-saving components or production 
  • Long life cycle 
  • Low maintenance and high reliability 

The combined elements that create green hardware can seem overwhelming at first, but we guarantee you that the positives vastly outweigh the perceived stress of migrating your network to green solutions – so without further ado, here are our top 5 reasons for making the change to green hardware 

1. It’s cost-effective 


A poll conducted in 2021 found that 64% of UK adults want to be eco-friendly but are fearful of increasing their cost of living. This statement also rings true in the business world, with many organisations believing that investing in greener technologies and solutions would impact short term profit margins, thus straining any precarious stakeholder business relations. 


Whilst yes, upgrading your hardware isn’t an expense that should be taken lightly, it is something that is required every few years – so what if you could make that investment cheaper each time it came around? By purchasing remanufactured and recycled products businesses can see savings of up to 75% on their typical spend, leaving more budget to be used elsewhere. 


2. You can get your items sooner 


With recycled and remanufactured hardware, you can avoid the long lead times associated with purchasing new. This perk is particularly useful during the current chip shortage that is predicted to affect processes until 2023. 

By purchasing remanufactured products you completely circumvent the need for new parts that could be affected by the shortages and complications in the supply chain. Items are shipped directly to your desired location and can be with you in a matter of weeks! 


3. Public opinion 


It’s been stated over and over that the public is beginning to value organisations that operate with ethical and sustainable practices. By staying ahead of the purchasing curve and being able to offer a greener promise even down to your electricity use age and chosen hardware puts you strides ahead of the competition, and one step closer to becoming a carbon-neutral business. 


4. Less maintenance 


Sustainable hardware is built to last, meaning the fees and complications associated with upgrades and other operating costs are considerably lower. And combining these savings with the overall lower cost of the items you are purchasing? It’s a no brainer! 


5. You’re helping the planet 


Savings and lead times aside, the real reason why we invest in green technology is to reduce the impact on the planet. Between over mining, harmful chemicals, and wasted resources the manufacturing industry leaves a huge mark on the planet we all exist on. By directly investing in sustainable tools and products you are taking the first steps to a sustainable future, and ensuring those producing the tech can continue to do so all whilst getting the hardware you need within your budget. 


Where can I get green hardware? 


You’ve come to the right place. Here at Chulo we are an official partner of the Cisco Refresh program, and pride ourselves in offering the best hardware deals to assist businesses globally with their sustainability goals at the best prices. 


Our longstanding partnership with Cisco allows us to offer the entire Cisco Refresh inventory with the best deals. If you don’t see what you need on our website or have a specific budget requirement, don’t hesitate to get in touch with a Chulo specialist who can match you with the perfect products for your network. 


What are you waiting for? Make your network green today! 


With over 30 years of IT industry experience, we understand technology and take every opportunity to get the best deals for our customers - Delivering a wide variety of very good quality network hardware equipment at the lowest possible price

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