Invest in the future with sustainable tech

Invest in the future with sustainable tech

A topic on everyone’s minds is, of course, the environment and how as a business, we can ensure sustainability. With the increasing need for organisations to have the latest software, IT hardware, and network solutions, it’s more important than ever to have an effective, sustainable, and secure infrastructure that will grow with the business.

This is where Cisco Refresh comes in.

Known worldwide for their excellent software and IT products, Cisco is leading the way in creating a sustainable and increasingly environmentally friendly option for businesses.

One way in which Cisco is achieving this is through their Refresh line. Through utilising the remanufacture of existing products it’s possible to not only reduce our carbon footprint but also dramatically minimise the amount of energy, water, and raw materials used in manufacturing.

However, this isn’t just a refurbishment, as each Cisco Refresh product is certified by Cisco, you can rest at peace knowing that each item is repaired, cleaned, data wiped, and tested to ensure Cisco’s top standards are maintained.

What are the benefits of Cisco Refresh?

Keeps costs down
As you aren’t purchasing brand-new hardware, you can enjoy amazing Cisco products at a discount. This can be a cost-effective way to invest in high-quality products while reducing your carbon footprint.

The main reason why Cisco’s refresh program is so important is that it promotes sustainability throughout the product’s lifecycle. Everything from the packaging to components has been designed to incorporate recycled materials as much as possible. The addition of the Cisco Take Back program (you can read more here) ensures a constant supply of existing products to be remanufactured or if that isn’t possible, recycled.

Super-fast delivery
The faster you receive your Cisco products, the faster you can enjoy the benefits they bring to your company. This is why you’ll be pleased to know that if you opt for an authentic refurbished product, you will receive your items much faster than if you purchased new ones due to not having to worry about manufacturing lead times. In addition, all Cisco refurbished products feature the same warranty and guarantees as their new items.

With over 30 years of experience in the IT and technology industry, Chulo is a proud partner of Cisco. Not only do we provide and sell Cisco’s life-changing products but we’re also fully onboard with Cisco’s mission to create unlimited possibilities using the resources already in production.

Want to know more about how Cisco is helping you go green with your tech? Get in touch today on 0870 352 1017 or to speak with one of our experts. Not only will the team answer any questions you may have but can also match you with the perfect software and products for all your business needs.


With over 30 years of IT industry experience, we understand technology and take every opportunity to get the best deals for our customers - Delivering a wide variety of very good quality network hardware equipment at the lowest possible price

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