What is Cisco Refresh?

What is Cisco Refresh?

Cisco Refresh: Good for Your Business, Good for the Planet

Green initiatives can take a huge step with the help of Cisco Refresh and enjoy the same Cisco quality with a clear environmental conscience and a smaller price tag.

Why Cisco Refresh?

Cisco Refresh maximises your budget, whilst maintaining the same Cisco quality, certified protection, and support as you would see on a new product. Plus, the minimal environmental impact will significantly shrink your carbon footprint and reduce the need for new raw materials and irresponsible landfill disposal.

With thousands of products to choose from, Cisco Refresh has something for every technology environment including switching, routing, wireless, and security.

Remanufactured is the new Refurbished

Cisco Refresh products are made by the original manufacturer and are produced and tested to the same standards as a new product. Where refurbished resolves simple functional issues, remanufacturing is far more thorough and requires vigorous testing before being allowed back on to the market – giving you more peace of mind with your purchase.

Why Chulo?

As a partnered and certified Cisco Refresh outlet, we can offer the most competitive pricing models for your items, and deliver them with vastly reduced lead times. Purchasing Cisco authorized refurbished products means that only tried, tested, and safe items will be delivered - plus, they are protected by the Cisco Refresh warranty!


With over 30 years of IT industry experience, we understand technology and take every opportunity to get the best deals for our customers - Delivering a wide variety of very good quality network hardware equipment at the lowest possible price

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